Earlobe Reduction Surgery Dublin

Refine your ears and attain a balanced, elegant look through this transformative cosmetic procedure, enhancing your overall facial harmony.

  • Local anaesthetic

  • Achieve small balanced earlobe

  • 30 min procedure

  • minimal downtime

Reshape Your Earlobes with an Earlobe Reduction

Many people are unhappy with the size and shape of their earlobes. Earlobe reduction surgery is a simple bespoke technique that reshapes a patient’s earlobes to the desired shape. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic and I will mark out the proposed new earlobe shape before surgery so that patients are happy with the final shape.  Earlobe reduction takes about 30 mins to perform and the stitches are all dissolving and will fall out or flake off after a week or two.

Earlobes come in all sizes and shapes and for many people they don’t like the size of their lobes as they can be very long or not in proportion to the rest of their ear.  Earlobe reduction is done to reshape and decrease the size of the lobe.

The earlobe will be swollen for a week but there is minimal downtime.  I would advise not getting the ears pierced until about 8 weeks post surgery.

Reshaped earlobes to the desire of the Patient

Gain confidence back with earlobe reduction: Tailor the size and shape to your preference through a quick, local anesthetic procedure with dissolving stitches for a seamless, satisfying outcome in just 30 minutes.

You’re in good hands

“The ability to change my patients’ lives for the better is very humbling.” – Dr. Cormac Joyce

Cormac contributes regularly to the Irish Times, has been interviewed by Time Magazine and has been featured several times on national television.

Dr Cormac and his clinics provide world class treatments in state of the art facilities. Virtual consultations are available upon request.

Carrying out many procedures per year in Ireland, Cormac is the only surgeon on the specialist register who focuses solely on cosmetic surgery.

Why choose Cormac Joyce

Passionate and highly skilled, Cormac Joyce is the trusted choice for life-changing cosmetic surgery. He is a fully trained plastic surgeon with a FRCS (plast) qualification and is on the specialist register and is a member of the Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons. His commitment to perfection and transformative outcomes sets him apart.